So fun!
I have not stopped watching this film in eight days. I have not yet had the will power to raise myself from my couch and go to the bathroom, eat, or sleep. Please help me I am tumbling into a pit of pain. Every second I watch is an inch closer to jumping off of a 8n story building. This movie is so wonderful I have cried while violently defecating myself In some of the sadder aspects of the movie. for example when my wife of 42 years indulged herself into the popular hit Television show called Dexter. Her watching this atrocity has driven me to call for a divorce. My personal favorite part of the movie is the part where he runs around happily while blood poors out of his mouth. While typing this I have consumed an excess of 3 gallons of hard liquor and this has made me realize that I am addicted to typing essays. While watching this my two year fell of the balcony and died while my three year old started occupying herself with hard drugs. After I showed this to my three year old she immediately shot herself in the head with a 12 gauge shotgun. I recommend this to all gamers as they are savages and brutes who have a special place in the 7th circle of hell.